The eye is one of the sense organs most frequently used among the five other senses. Sense of sight is the main means of gathering information from around us. Keep in mind, about 75% of the information we receive is in the form of visual information. But have you ever imagined how a pair of eyes can see various objects? To be able to answer it, let's explore deeper into the anatomy of the eye and how it works. Eye Parts Eyes are round with little bumps on the front. Parts that can be seen from the outside are only half of it, namely the cornea, iris, pupil, sclera, and conjunctiva. The eyes are protected by eyelids and eyelashes. When blinking, the eyelids also help lubricate the surface of the eyes with tears. The following are the front of the eyes: Cornea The cornea is a transparent protective dome located at the front of the eyeball. The cornea functions to focus the light before it is received by the lens of the eye. The cornea has no blood vessels and is very sen...